Easy Pricing Table

Pricing Table Module for Joomla
You Save $50 : Most Popular Pack
$99 $49
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Emails Accounts
Unlimited Subdomains
Free Shared SSL
Free backup
Full time support
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You Save $100 : Most Econmic Pack
$199 $99
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Emails Accounts
Unlimited Subdomains
Free Shared SSL
Free backup
Full time support
You Save $150 : Money Saver
$299 $149
Unlimited Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Emails Accounts
Unlimited Subdomains
Free Shared SSL
Free backup
Full time support
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Play with the Module Settings

By changing the module settings and applying them, you can see how the module behaves and how it affects the layout and appearance. You can experiment with different configurations and find the best settings for your needs.

Blur Horizontal Vertical Color
Enter the title of the plan
Enter the plan short details
select the header color of the table
select the header text color of the table
Select the highlight color of the table
Enter the strike off value
Enter the strike off value
Enter one label per line
Enter the buy now text
Enter the buy now Link
Select whether you would like to show the read more button
Select whether you want to show a popup or link to an url
Enter the read more text
Enter the read more text
Enter the read more content
Enter the title of the plan
Enter the plan short details
select the header color of the table
select the header text color of the table
Select the highlight color of the table
Enter the strike off value
Enter the strike off value
Enter one label per line
Enter the buy now text
Enter the buy now Link
Select whether you would like to show the read more button
Select whether you want to show a popup or link to an url
Enter the read more text
Enter the read more text
Enter the read more content
Enter the title of the plan
Enter the plan short details
select the header color of the table
select the header text color of the table
Select the highlight color of the table
Enter the strike off value
Enter the strike off value
Enter one label per line
Enter the buy now text
Enter the buy now Link
Select whether you would like to show the read more button
Select whether you want to show a popup or link to an url
Enter the read more text
Enter the read more text
Enter the read more content

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