Easy Youtube Embed

Effortlessly embed YouTube videos site-wide with customizable parameters.



Shortcode Options

The Easy YouTube Embed Plugin provides several options that can be customized through the shortcode. These options allow you to control various aspects of the embedded YouTube video. Here is a detailed list of the options supported by the shortcode:

  • id (Required)

    • Description: The ID of the YouTube video you want to embed.
    • Example: id="dQw4w9WgXcQ"
  • width (Optional)

    • Description: The width of the video player. If not specified, the default width set in the plugin settings is used.
    • Example: width="640"
  • height (Optional)

    • Description: The height of the video player. If not specified, the default height set in the plugin settings is used.
    • Example: height="360"
  • autoplay (Optional)

    • Description: Enables or disables autoplay. Set to 1 to enable autoplay, 0 to disable. The default value is set in the plugin settings.
    • Example: autoplay="1"
  • controls (Optional)

    • Description: Shows or hides the video player controls. Set to 1 to show controls, 0 to hide. The default value is set in the plugin settings.
    • Example: controls="1"
  • loop (Optional)

    • Description: Enables or disables video looping. Set to 1 to enable looping, 0 to disable. The default value is set in the plugin settings.
    • Example: loop="1"
  • mute (Optional)

    • Description: Mutes the video by default. Set to 1 to mute, 0 to unmute. The default value is set in the plugin settings.
    • Example: mute="1"
  • playlist (Optional)

    • Description: A comma-separated list of video IDs to create a playlist.
    • Example: playlist="dQw4w9WgXcQ,5NV6Rdv1a3I"
  • start (Optional)

    • Description: Specifies the start time of the video in seconds.
    • Example: start="60"
  • end (Optional)

    • Description: Specifies the end time of the video in seconds.
    • Example: end="120"
  • showinfo (Optional)

    • Description: Displays or hides the video information like title and uploader. Set to 1 to show, 0 to hide. The default value is set in the plugin settings.
    • Example: showinfo="1"
  • modestbranding (Optional)

    • Description: Enables modest branding, which reduces YouTube branding on the video player. Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. The default value is set in the plugin settings.
    • Example: modestbranding="1"

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